Frequently Asked Questions

How old do I have to be to become a Deputy?

You must be at least 21 years old to become POST-Certified.

How old do I have to be to become a dispatcher or detention specialist?

You must be 18 years old.

Do I get a tour of the jail?

It is an option for all detention specialists/detention deputy applicants to complete a jail tour. You must have successfully passed initial testing in order to qualify for a jail tour.

Do I get to go on a ride-along?

It is an option for all patrol deputy applicants to complete a 10-hour ride-along. You must have successfully passed initial testing in order to qualify for a ride-along.

What is an integrity interview?

An integrity interview is a one-on-one interview with our Hiring Unit to verify the accuracy of the information included in your application and your Personal History Questionnaire.

Do I get pay incentive for speaking different languages?

We allow a language pay stipend for employees who are bilingual, Spanish only at this time, and use that language to fulfill their job duties or provide help to citizens/customer-focused and citizen-focused interactions.

The incentive is an additional $175/pay period stipend added to the paycheck.

I have a Class 3 Misdemeanor; will this exclude me from your process?

Please refer to our list of disqualifiers.

How long is the hiring process?

Our average background investigations are completed within 4-8 weeks of your initial testing date.

What does DCSO provide to new deputies?

DCSO provides our new deputies with all uniforms, ballistic vests, outer carriers, leather-gear, taser, asps, OC-spray, trauma kits and rifles (for those who are rifle-certified). You must provide your duty weapon, boots, undergarments, handcuffs and handcuff case.

Where is the Highlands Ranch Law Enforcement Training Facility located?

6001 Ron King Trail, Littleton, CO 80125

CLICK HERE to view their website.

Do I get to sit along with the dispatch center?

It’s an option for all dispatcher applicants to complete two 4-hour sit-alongs with our Communications Center. You must have successfully passed initial testing in order to qualify for these sit-alongs.

If I am color blind do I qualify to be a dispatcher/deputy?

Yes, you qualify.

Do I get paid extra for my college degree?

Unfortunately, not at this time.

Can I work dayshift?

You will be assigned on the shift where you are needed and where the current vacancies are.

Do I have to live in Douglas County?

You do not have to live in Douglas County to be a Douglas County employee.

Do I get a take-home car?

Deputies working patrol that live in Douglas County can bring their patrol car home during their working days.

What type of handgun can I carry on duty?